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::vtol:: is Dmitry Morozov — Moscow media artist and musician.
He is the first batch producer of music and video synthesizers at the post-Soviet area. Besides making music and instruments, Dmitry creates audiovisual art installations and promotes Circuit Bending and DIY Electronics in Russia by means of lectures and workshops.

#diy #robotic_art #sound_art #hacking #circuit_bending #noise #modular #synth
#pure_data #vvvv #nord_modular #generative #cellular_automata #glitch #dataflow
#arduino #autonomous #cyber #open_source #work_shops #net_art #cctv
#interface #servo #wireless #cord_art #random #ldr #spdt #220uf #patch_bay #tokyo_flash #reverse_engineering #bootloader #dual_opamp #555 #556 #1458 #lm386
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